
Equality Impact Assessment

Pages currently being updated

Please be aware that the Equality Impact Assessment pages and process are currently being updated.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team.

A new or revised policy, process or decision that seems fair because it applies to everyone equally may, upon closer analysis, adversely affect people identifying with the protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010. If this happens this could be direct or indirect discrimination.

To protect against this, the University has an Equality Impact Assessment process that helps you consider the effects of a policy, process or decision on anyone identifying with the protected characteristics and to take action to prevent discrimination.

Examples of Equality Impact Assessment that have been carried out include:

  • Annual Access Agreements 
  • REF 2021: Code of Practice for Selection of Staff
  • Examination and Religious Observance Form
  • Parental leave and pay changes

If you are a policyholder or you are leading on developing a new or revising an existing, University policy, process or decision in a College or Service then you are legally responsible for carrying out an Equality Analysis to consider equality issues and mitigate against possible discrimination.

1. Check whether an Equality Impact Assessment has already been carried out on the  page.

2. Download and complete the  with reference to the  Equality Analysis Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team if you:

  • Have read the  FAQs but still have queries about assessing the impact of a policy on anyone with any protected characteristics*
  • Have identified any negative or unclear impacts on the Equality Analysis Form
  • Are unsure about whether consultation would be helpful
  • Require consultation as part of the Equality Analysis
  • Have any queries about the form which have not been clarified by the FAQ

3. Email your completed Equality Analysis Form to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team.

4. If consultation is required, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team will contact you to discuss this and will co-ordinate the consultation exercise. If consultation is not required, this is the end of the Equality Impact Assessment process.