Success for All Strategy
What is Success for All?
Success for All is at the heart of our Education Strategy which aims to widen participation, close gaps in student outcomes and build a diverse and inclusive learning environment. A collaboration between academics, professional services staff and students, Success for All seeks to create an educational culture in which everyone can realise their potential.
The commitment to Success for All Our Students is captured in the vision of the university’s 2030 Strategy to “use the power of education and research to create a sustainable, healthy and socially just future”.
Impact of Success for All
The impact of Success for All on the outcomes and experience for underrepresented students contributed positively to our TEF Gold outcome, and our work to build an inclusive university culture, improved student experience and UN sustainability goals. In recent years, we have won nine national awards for access and participation including being named NEON University of the Year in 2022 and achieved the NNECL Quality Mark for our support for care experienced students.
°¿³Ü°ù  for 2022 reflects on many areas of work and shows the fantastic progress made to support widening participation and help our current students realise their potential. 
Everyone can play their part in delivering Success for All our students. Find out how you can get involved as a student or member of staff.