
Equality Impact Assessment Consultations

Pages currently being updated

Please be aware that the Equality Impact Assessment pages and process are currently being updated.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team.

A key aspect of the Equality Impact Assessment process is a consultation with staff and students. To effectively meet the needs of the diverse groups of people at the University it is important that we liaise with staff and students from different backgrounds who have experience of what the issues may be for people who identify with the protected characteristics.

We ensure that we have captured feedback from all students and staff, especially those that have personal experience of equality issues. This feedback is used to guide and appraise policy formation within the University. By drawing on the experiences of consultation respondents, we are able to address areas of perceived discrimination or bias.

Please see all live and past consultations below. To view the policies and Equality Impact Assessment documents, please click on the links as listed within the respective consultation. To respond, click on respond now.  

No live consultations 

  1.  and  - Consultation Closed
  2. REF 2021  Equality Impact Analysis and - Consultation Complete 

To view past equality analyses on various policies,  click here